Weekly Blog (all the blogs I missed 🤭)

Went on a field trip

End of program banquet/lunch

I made macarons

 Cooked new dishes 

           Well I’m thankful that me writing these blogs are not a grade because I failed to be consistent 😭😂. Let me just get you up to date with all the things that has happened. So I left off on June 23 and now I will go until July 11.


Exciting things: 

            Ok so I’m still in the culinary program. I have had so much great experiences, like we went on a field trip to ROY’S. I find that amazing because that is not a normal field trip. The food was awesome. Another experience is I was in the news for KHON. I also have been working with a professional chef and I love this program. Um another thing is I learned how to make macarons. Also my aunt and cousin visited and we had fun. I found out my teachers for next and year and me and some of the leadership 9th graders have the same teachers 🤩. 

Sad things: 

           Well the culinary program is ending 😭 lol. I will miss that program, but it’s all good. But yeah.

Like Good things but kinda normal:

           I’ve been winning Just Dance. I find it is easier to use my phone when playing Just Dance and I’ve been doing pretty good. My siblings don’t have school so we have fun playing with each other on video games and stuff. There has been new episodes to shows I like 🤷🏽‍♀️ I don’t know that’s pretty much it. 

           So yeah that is pretty much my recap of these couple of weeks. 

           Lessons I learned is to just balance my responsibilities. I have to make sure to keep a balance but yeah. I also learned new things to cook lol. Another things I learned is that helping others is very important. I have been having to help my parents because my parents have a lot to do and me and my siblings have stuff so I help when they need it. But that is pretty much it.
