Busy but not busy Week

Monday June 12-Wednesday June 14, 2023:

I didn’t have class and I was just doing my summer schedule. I had a church event that lasts a week. The event is for elementary kids but I volunteer because like I mean that is what I do lol. I was apart of that event throughout elementary school and now I have the opportunity to help kids learn about God and have fun in it like I did. But yeah that is all those days we’re filled with.

Thursday June 15, 2023:

So I had the event but other than I had a field trip for the summer class 🤩. We went to Sysco and I was literally so amazed. They had this test kitchen and I’m like oh wow, this is so cool. They fed us food and it was amazing. 

Friday June 16, 2023:

Um a normal day schedule and events. It was a really long day though because we had to clean up after the event. It was a long day I tell you.

Well my highlight would definitely be the field trip. That was probably one of the best field trips I have ever been on. I was just amazed and yeah. I literally got to go into a 0 degree freezer 🤩. I don’t really have any lowlights.

My lesson learned is that hard work for others is worth it. I mean I learned that in leadership because we do things for others but that literally explains my week. I had tons of hard work but I like seeing the benefits of it 😁.
