Orientation Blog

@Parent orientation 

 my costume 

Learning dances
Before the gold

         Orientation is basically an introduction to ‘Ilima for 6th graders and their parents. They will be able to see us humiliated and/or presentable 😂. We tell the 6th graders things that they would need or want to know. We tell them things like the bell schedule, our sports, our clubs, important dates, and what they can and can’t wear. With the parents we tell them some of the same things, but they get more of the important information. Orientation planning for us students  starts in October and we perform it in April. So a lot of time is put into this production. People are giving roles like speakers, slide makers, and choreographers. Orientation has a theme because us students have to dress like the characters or theme. We also dance to music from the theme. 

        Highlights: one highlight of this experience would be when we learned the dances at retreat. The dances were so fun because I like to dance and doing it with everyone else is super fun. Another highlight would be when we were finding the GT characters. Everyone was screaming the whole time because we were so excited. Another highlight for me was when Kaimiloa came for their orientation. That was my favorite one because it was the first one to go right and they also understood the bell schedule 🤩. 

      Lowlights: my first lowlight would be when Holomua’s orientation just went so wrong. It wasn’t even the students, it was just technology. I also had a mic problem come out of nowhere when I was doing my speech. Another lowlight was when I thought someone took my yellows. I was like who took it, but it moved 🤷🏽‍♀️. I was a little lost on how it moved because it was right by me, but all that matters is that I have it 😁. The dressing room was a mess too, so I guess that would be a lowlight 😂.

        A main lesson I learned is that hard work brings good results for everyone. Like these 6th graders seemed to have enjoyed themselves and it is because we put our hard work out there. Like imagine if I decided to mess up my fashion show part. It would have made it where Gabby could have been a little lost and then messed up her speech. Then the fashion show could be messed up and then the kids wouldn’t know what they could wear. I don’t think they would want to be lost on what they can and can’t wear. Or what if I just had a speech that I put no effort in, most likely it wouldn’t be so enjoyable for the 6th graders. And it wouldn’t be as good of a presentation 🤷🏽‍♀️

      I honestly think that the orientation experience has been good for the 2 years I have done it. Last year I was a choreographer so like I was in a way different role. I wouldn’t say it was too hard for me to be a choreographer and I think that it is definitely a memory for me. This year I was a speaker and I loved it. My speech was interactive so like it is so fun seeing the 6th graders be involved and interested. I think that orientation brings the leadership class together partly because you are forced to be together for an hour for like a month… but besides that you get to witness people look ridiculous and you have to learn the dances together. You also get scolded here and there together. It is really an all or nothing kind of deal. I feel like it is really one of the many assignments that we do that puts others in front in a positive way. This really benefits the 6th graders and I mean I’m sure that sometimes we didn’t want to do what we had to do, but I think that it was a good thing that we did. I mean I think it would have been great to have a 6th grade orientation even though I probably wouldn’t get the same experience…but I might have joined leadership sooner 🤷🏽‍♀️. I feel like this production kind of reflects leadership in general. We had to use like all the GLO’s, we helped others, we worked together, we were creative, we did something’s that were out of our comfort zone, we talked in front of people, and etc. This was a great experience 😁.

GLO #1 (self-directed learner): I had to make sure that when we missed class I got my work. I also had to make sure I was working on my speech and dances at home.

 GLO #2 (community contributor): we had to work together to help each other with our scripts. I had to work with others on the campus tour too. I also worked with others to learn the dance

GLO #3 (complex thinker): I had to make adjustments tho my speech and how I said it when the mic went out. I had to make changes to my speech when I didn’t have the right things in my script.

GLO #4 (quality producer): I had to make my own mirror frame and I don’t think it looked bad. I had to make sure that my speech was good enough so that the 6th graders could understand.

GLO #5 (effective communicators): when I had to speak for my speech I needed it make sure I was clear. When I did the campus tour I had to make sure everyone could understand me. When I needed to get something from the store I made sure my parents knew.

GLO #6 (effective and ethical user of technology): I guess I could say we used the computers for music 🤷🏽‍♀️. Even though the computers didn’t want to work with us 😂. I also had to use a mic a lot to talk for my speech. We used our phone to take pictures with the group too. 

       My suggestion would be Avengers: End Game. I know I have heard it before but here are my reasons:

- there are tons of characters

- the costumes would be insane 

- technically because of the variety of characters you can choose a song from their own movie, so there is so many different songs you could choose

- it is also superhero’s so most people would know it 
