Weekly Blog: Mirror Mirror On Gabrielle We Are Done With The Schedule of The Bell

           Oh my gosh orientation is finally over it is like bittersweet 🥲. So Monday was the start of orientation with Holomua. Let’s just say it was trash can. Not the students, no not them at all. It was the technology. We are going to talk about technology later though. I didn’t even get to do my speech the way I wanted 😭. Tuesday was the complete opposite with Kaimiloa. Like I have to say that Kaimiloa is my favorite, maybe it is because it was the first one to go right 🤷🏽‍♀️. Wednesday was good I mean it went right. We got to go to leadership so I had some time to relax 😁.  Thursday was the finale with Iroquois. I mean it wasn’t bad at all, we were scared we would end early but I like period 2 so I didn’t bother me. Friday was like thank God it is finally the weekend. But it was also a sad day for the 8th graders because we won’t be able to go to banquet 😭. I mean I knew  it was coming, but like it is for real. Through this week though I have talked to more people in leadership so go team. 

           My highlight of the week is that I have completed a middle schooler who does iReady’s dream. I have finished both my English and math iReady lessons. I’m free, no more iReadys for me 🥲. I just want to tell all the middle schoolers that it is possible. I know it feels like it will never happen but it will just keep trying 😭😂. Ok but for real I am so happy. My next highlight is orientation. I enjoyed the elementary schoolers, and they even understood the bell schedule 🥲(I’m so sorry for using this emoji so much, I think it just describes my week lol). I also enjoyed eating donuts 🍩. Now my lowlights. Ok so like first of all technology thinks it is funny. Just because I talked bad about technology in my last blog it decides to be mean on Monday lol 😂. So like all of a sudden in the middle of my speech the mic stops working, like technology leave me alone. I didn’t get to do my speech right, so stop being mean 🙄 😂. Another lowlight is finding out Crystia is moving to CALIFORNIA 😔. Like what are we going to do without a nice, peaceful, happy, so creative, so talented person gone 😭. Well I hope the best for her and her family ❤️. Ok now a highlight, I enjoyed talking with more leadership kids this week.

           My lesson of the week is plan, plan, wait what? I know it sounds weird but it has been the sentence of this week. Beginning of the week I find out there might not be banquet and I’ve planned to have one for like my whole 8th grade year. Then we have planned out orientation for months and weeks and then it just wants to not work. Then I planned for my drama club performance and then the first week got canceled 🤷🏽‍♀️. Is it not the sentence for my week 😂.

           So like half the class was my favorite magic note lol. So I chose Reese because she always reminds me about how excited she is for my play. Then I chose Crystia because she told me that I helped her with her views on moving. Then I chose Gabby because I agree that I enjoyed talking to her through the week about all kinds of things. Then I chose Eliscia’s because she said I will be a good mom. I know it is no time soon, but it means a lot. Jewelyn because I mean she is consistently awesome I think her magic notes are almost always my favorite. Then Janzen because it just was really nice. Then lastly Jayden because I got to help him this week so that was new lol. 
