Weekly Blog
Come on Team, this had to have been one of my best weeks ever. It was just a ha ha ha ha week. Like almost everything in my week was just funny. I heard all kinds of jokes, heard funny things, and I just could have a smile all week. Monday I had one of my favorite classes which is Leadership and we did some hard work. So yeah, then after school I ended up at the park with McKenzie and her brother and my siblings just playing. I wasn’t planning on McKenzie being there, but we had fun. On Tuesday we had the first day of yearbook verification. Yearbook verification was cool. I was personally excited to verify my picture. Wednesday was a day of hard work ( I will talk about the hard work later). I also heard some jokes that changed the rest of my week ( I will talk about it later). Thursday was a lot of joke telling and laughing. Friday was less work more helping. I also accomplished something so huge I could SCREAM (pretend I’m screaming 😂). Me and Janzen got all the pictures we need for our yearbook page 😆. Can you believe it? We are almost done, one less things for me to worry about. Also I would like to thank my friends ( Tyler, Leilani, Eliscia, Ashley, McKenzie, and of course my yearbook partner Janzen). These friends helped me get to almost being done with the yearbook. I have some good friends team. So back to Wednesday, on Wednesday I was told a joke. The joke was “why did the chicken cross the road?” The answer is “BECAWS” LOL. So I thought that joke was so funny so on Thursday I told that joke to some of my friends and it was our joke throughout the day. Friday we kept on telling the joke and I told it to more if my friends and then eventually me and McKenzie told Ms. deGuzman and Mr. Ing the joke. Now onto the hard work, it wasn’t really “hard work” but it was something different than our everyday school day lol. Monday we had to go and move things around but it was dirty. Somethings were heavy but I think that doing it with period 3 made it fun. That is all we really did for the “hard work” days.
My highlight was all the laughter throughout this week. Almost everyday was full of laughter, between the jokes, the silliness, and more. Silly things were said and it doesn’t take much for me to laugh. Also I heard a joke this week from Ms. deGuzman. “The joke is what is a DJs favorite sauce?” The answer is “Marinara”. But it is the way she said it, she said it like the way the DJ’s mixing tape thing would 😂. My lowlight is when I kept on messing up during my leadership job on Monday. But of course by the end of the day the Leadership class boosted my day 🙂.
My lesson learned is that I have two families. I have the family I was born in. The family I was born in is the ones that always have my back, the ones I will always love and care about, the ones who know me the best, and the ones who have raised me. Then I have a my friend family. Most of my friend family is at school. My friend family is almost the same as my real family. I’m thankful that I have both a friend family and real family because they bring balance and company to my life. Thanks families.
My favorite magic note is from Eliscia. She is a huge part in my friend family, she knows how to keep me under control lol. I like her magic note because she thanked me for helping her. I don’t need people to thank me for me to help them. I do enjoy though when people thank me. I’m the type of person who won’t let people that I care about fail, so if I know that someone I care about needs help I will help. Since that is a characteristic of me, I have to make sure that I learn how to multitask.
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