Weekly Blog
This week was alright. I honestly just have been kind of out of it. Like my energy starts to get drained by the end of the school day lol. Monday we had more presentation. I have to admit those presentations are good and bad. We get to learn more about Campbell, but I haven't been able to take pics for advisories. I also got to decorate my grandparents Christmas tree. Tuesday we also had presentations, but it was overall a normal day. Wednesday I also had presentations, but I also started working on the yearbook from home. Thursday was more presentations, but I got to work more on the yearbook. So I have one complete page 😆. Thursday was also my name twin's birthday. You might be wondering who my name twin is, well my name twin is Gabriella. She isn't my actual twin, but our names are so similar. So happy birthday Gabby! Friday was another day of presentations, but it wasn't that bad. I learned that all of period 3 have science for there 4th period on Friday. So overview of the presentations. We had Avid/Ap, Second Language, JROTC, and some others. All of them were just trying to encourage you to join their club. It was also during our advisory. Well us 8th graders never let things be boring though, so we would mess around before and after the presentations. An overview of the yearbook work... THIS IS NOT THAT EASY. Well I blame myself. I should have found out my page deadline sooner, but I didn't. Now I'm scrambling to get pics and edit them. I think I will be spending most of my free time on the yearbook. But it is progressively getting better😊. I also had ID's this week. It wasn't that bad though. It isn't the most fun job, but it is a necessity job. Also we had to present our Christmas decorations. It was cool to see some other people's decorations.
Highlights of this week! First one would be Monday. On Monday I got to decorate my grandparents's tree! It is like a family tradition. Every year we decorate the tree. I like decorating their tree because it is bonding with family! The next highlight would be Thursday not only was it one of my friend's birthdays, but it was also pajama pants day. I thought I looked so cute in my plaid pajama pants and sandals. The pants were also so soft. Another highlight would be getting some of the yearbook done. Everything didn't go the way that I planned but things are coming together. I worked on the yearbook a lot this week, so go team. A huge highlight of this week was Monday also. I got an important letter... I GOT INTO NATIONAL JUNIORS HONOR SOCIETY! This is exciting. It is even more exciting because some of my friends got in it to. My lowlight of the week was accidentally scratching McKenzie in the face. See I was dancing, and I clapped, and well I scratched her. So yeah, that was not a good thing that happened this week. Well that is probably it for my lowlights.
My lesson learned is that there is no I in team. This is such a quote that is heard a lot, but I'm learning this lesson. Most people who know me know that I can be an independent person. Like I will do things by myself because it is easier. I mean I don't have to worry about other people, everything can be my choice. Well right now it isn't like that. Don't get me wrong teamwork can be nice. I mean when I do things with others I usually get more laughs. Right now, I'm working on the yearbook, and I have a partner for the yearbook pages I'm working on. I'm happy I have a partner for this project because I have help. Well, I'm struggling with letting him help. He wants to help too, but I just have to get things done. I just want all the pages done now, so I end up doing the jobs he said he wanted to do😐 Lol. So, I have to learn how to realize that I need to listen to my partner more and calm down because we will get these pages done. Also I know that Mr. Ing gave me a partner because it is probably a two person job. I'm thankful that my partner isn't getting upset, he knows the way that I am about schoolwork. So yeah I have a really good partner and I need to let him help. I also need to stop acting like I can do these yearbook pages by myself because that is way to difficult for just me.
I have two favorite magic notes. One was from McKenzie and the other from Janzen. I chose McKenzies because having a babysitters business would be cool. I’m sure it would be fun and we would probably be good at it. I chose Janzen’s because he understands the way that I work. I’m sure the way I work can probably get annoying because I don’t let people do stuff lol.
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