Quarter 2 blog
One highlight of this quarter was probably the birthdays. Everyone in leadership really celebrated the people on their birthdays. We would “embarrass” the birthday people by playing happy birthday right when they get on campus. I put embarrass in quotes because I know that they secretly enjoy being celebrated. It shows that people care about and remember their birthday. Another highlight has been the Christmas seasons. Right after we got from Thanksgiving break I started playing Christmas songs in school. It brings the holidays to school. Another highlight has been the new 7th graders. This quarter we got the GT 7th graders and they are some pretty cool people. I really got to know the GT in period 3 and they are awesome. Another highlight has been drama club. I’m so happy that I got the role I wanted. I have to practice my songs and lines. A lowlight of this quarter would that I started getting tired towards the end. It is so close to winter break and I just have been losing my energy. Right when I get home I have a ton of energy and I’m back to my hyper self. Usually I’m hyper in leadership too, but in some of my other classes I’ve been losing some of my energy. I say this is a lowlight because I want to end this quarter strong.
My lesson learned is that there are people at school that care about me. See my family cares for me and about me, but it is so cool to have people at school who care about me too. I have teachers and leadership classmates who are always there for me and for each other. It is kind of like a school family. Us leadership kids care about each other which is cool because we have to see each other everyday 😂. Also my teachers care a lot about me and the students in my school too. My family can be sure that when I go to school there are people who care about me. For me this is a big improvement from last year because I didn’t consider anyone my friend, so I really only had my family and friends that don’t go to my school. This year I have friends at school so go team😀.
I look forward to more laughs. I look forward to more conversations. I look forward to me getting ready for high school. I look forward to spending time with my friends. Leadership has made a huge impact in my life (in a good way) and I just look forward to more of the leadership experiences. I’m really excited for more sports events and for more birthday celebrating.
Recap of the year through pictures:
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