Weekly Blog

           What’s up? It has been a short week, but still filled with things. Monday was the start of music so yeah,  but I also got to know what job I have in the yearbook. I have a lot to do, but I have a teammate (Janzen) to help me so it shouldn’t be that bad. Tuesday I had no school, so I played Roblox and I played outside with my siblings! Wednesday I had golf and I had a normal day at school. Thursday I had all periods and had an interesting recess 😂. Overall it was a very short week, but so many things happened. Ms. Deguzman was my substitute on Thursday and she is a great teacher. I know that she was exhausted by the time that she was teaching my class, but she didn’t really show it. I can’t wait for her to be a permanent teacher because I know that she will be awesome. I’ve also been playing a lot of game pigeon lol. Tons of word games. Lastly I had After School Sales.

          My highlight of this week was Thursday because it was so funny. It started off with the morning. We were all just dancing in A102. We were just having fun dancing to music. Having fun with leadership kids is always fun. Then recess came and we were dancing and then I see a boys face and I got so scared. I literally fell and hit a box. I feel so bad, McKenzie was right by me, I think I hit her a little. One thing about me is that I’m really jumpy. That is only the start of the funniness. Then there is a group of boys trying to request a song. So Janzen the really popular one in the room lol went to talk to the boys. It was so funny because the song had the E sign by it so we told them they couldn’t play the song. Janzen goes to search the song and it then he gets his phone taken away by an adult 🤣. I was laughing but I also feel bad for him because he was doing the right thing🤣. So after that he wanted to play on my phone, then he searched up what to do when you get your phone taken away and the results were so funny. We ended up searching up the song on the computer and found out that there weren’t curse words 🤷🏽‍♀️. I guess my lowlight would be not being on time to after school sales. But I wasn’t going to leave my class without understanding the topic. I made that decision for myself because it had to do with my understanding. 

        The lesson I learned this week was to extend the amount of grace that I would want extended the to me. On Wednesday Janzen was late to after school sales and I was bothering  him for being late. The next day I was late and then he was bothering me because I bothered him. I couldn’t even get upset at him because I made the same mistake that he made. I’m going to be more careful about what people could do better because I might make the same mistake🤷🏽‍♀️. Also being a team isn’t about what people did wrong, so I have to talk more about what people did right from now on. This is for me is in and outside of leadership. Another lesson is that laughter is so contagious. I get this compliment a lot because I laugh a lot. But I notice that when people are laughing, that most times you don’t have the energy to be upset. Unless you are like me who sometimes stress laughs 😂. So when people say laughter is good medicine, I know I’m healthy lol 😂 . 
