Weekly Blog

         Wow. This week flew by like the wind. It was here then gone. Monday we had workdays, but it was the last one till school! We did the same thing sort of on Tuesday except we saw 7th graders and had to help them around campus. We even did lunch monitor. I have a new respect for the lunch ladies. Wednesday was my first day. Thursday was my first normal day. And here we are Friday, also a normal day.

          My highlight of this week was probably today. It wasn’t really chaotic, I wasn’t lunch monitor, and I was laughing so much like usual. My advisory was hilarious. We were talking about an incident that happened yesterday and I couldn’t even tell the story without laughing. My lowlight was getting blamed for something that wasn’t all my fault aka one of my new pet peeves. 

          A lesson I learned is, a happy team talks. Through this week I saw how lack of communication really impacts people. My dad is has a huge thing when it comes to communication. And I’m starting to see what he means. Don’t get me wrong I don’t like to be out of the know, but I’m starting to see how key it is when it comes to having a team. 



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